Rat Pfink a Boo Boo

Rat Pfink a Boo Boo is a 1966 film directed by Ray Dennis Steckler. It stars Ron Haydock and Carolyn Brandt.

Why the title is Rat Pfink a Boo Boo and not the more logical Rat Pfink and Boo Boo is the subject of speculation. According to legend, Rat Pfink and Boo Boo was indeed the intended title, but when the artist creating the titles made an error and rendered the and as a, Stecklers budget would not stretch to the 50 needed to fix the mistake. According to Steckler, however, the choice of title was deliberate The real story is that my little girl, when we were shooting this one fight scene, kept chanting, Rat pfink a boo boo, rat pfink a boo boo .... And that sounded great But when I tell people the real story, they dont wanna hear it, so you better print the legend. After murdering an unnamed woman, the villainous Chain Gang target Cee Bee Beaumont, the girlfriend of rockandroll star Lonnie Lord. The Chain Gang harasses, stalks, and eventually abducts Beaumont. ........

Source: Wikipedia